Health and safety are essential elements for every individual. In the workplace it is necessary, beyond existing regulations, to instill in workers and employers the importance of the use of personal protective equipment to minimize the risks existing in the activity carried out.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) are all those devices, accessories and clothing that the worker must use to protect against risks. The Venezuelan Standard COVENIN 2260-88, Program of Hygiene and Industrial Safety in General Aspects, defines the Risk as: “The probability of occurrence of an accident at work or of occupational disease”.
Organizations must analyze the occupational hazards of a given area to identify the type of hazards that exist in it. Subsequently, it is estimated and given a valuation of the risk they face to generate a control plan, which must implement actions to minimize or eliminate the risks to which workers are exposed. This plan involves the selection of personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce intrinsic risk.
The use of PPE is an alternative in the case that risks cannot be completely eliminated in a work area. It is important to highlight that PPE does not completely avoid the risk or accident that may occur, but it increases the possibility of completely or partially preventing injuries caused depending on its good use and handling, which is why awareness of the risk involved by part of the worker.
We commercialize a wide range of personal protective equipment (PPE). We invite you to meet them in our PRODUCTS section.
Source: Venezuelan Standard COVENIN 2260-88, Program of Hygiene and Industrial Safety in General Aspects.